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Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey, Antalya

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Free and non-binding
Gastric Bypass in Turkey at a Glance
Hospital Stay 3 Nights
Hotel Stay 1 Night
Minimum BMI 35+
Anaesthetic General
Surgery Time 2–3 Hours
Exercise 3–4 Weeks
Back to Work 1–2 Weeks
Full Recovery 2–3 Weeks
All Inclusive Gastric Bypass Package in Turkey
  • Hospital and hotel accommodation
  • Preoperative and postoperative tests
  • All-round VIP transfer
  • Multivitamin and protein supplements
  • Nutritional support
  • 1 year follow-up
Learn more about prices

Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey

Gastric bypass surgery, also known as “Roux-en-Y” gastric bypass, is one of the most popular bariatric surgery procedures along with gastric sleeve surgery.

The gastric bypass functions by changing your digestive system. During the surgery, a small pouch is created in your stomach. This pouch is then connected to the small intestine. Thus, you will eat less food and get less calories from the food you eat.

Gastric bypass has a positive effect especially in patients with type 2 diabetes and gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). If you are considering a gastric bypass surgery in Turkey, you should request a free and non-binding consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.

Candidates for Gastric Bypass Surgery in Turkey

For a gastric bypass surgery in Turkey, you must have a BMI of 35 and above. However, the procedure can also be performed in people with a BMI below 35, if they have serious health problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or severe sleep apnoea.

You should be ready to make permanent changes in your lifestyle for a gastric bypass surgery. You should have tried losing weight with diet and exercise before. If you have failed in the long term, you should consider a bariatric surgery.

A gastric bypass surgery may be recommended if you have uncontrolled type 2 diabetes or severe gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Benefits and Advantages of Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery is more effective in weight loss than gastric sleeve surgery. After a gastric bypass surgery in Turkey, you can lose 70-80% of your excess weight at the end of the first year. There is no foreign object in the body as in the gastric band.

In addition to weight loss, it can lead to improvements in conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obstructive sleep apnoea and asthma.

Back, knee and joint pain caused by excess weight can also be improved. The risk of venous thromboembolic disease leading to conditions such as leg swelling is reduced.

Recovery and Nutrition after Gastric Bypass Surgery

Your surgery will take about 2–3 hours. You can expect to walk 6-8 hours after the surgery. You may experience pain, but it can be controlled with medication. Taking walks in your room or in the corridor is very important to prevent bloating and flatulence.

The day after the operation, a leak test is performed. Then you can start fluid intake. Before you are discharged, we will provide you with detailed information about nutrition and lifestyle changes.

You can usually be discharged after 2 nights in hospital. If you are not working in a job that requires physical effort, you can return to work after 1 week.

Risks and Complications of Gastric Bypass Surgery

As with any surgery, there are various risks and complications of gastric bypass surgery. Since gastric bypass surgery is a complex surgery, these risks and complications are higher than in other bariatric surgery procedures.

Short-term complications include bleeding, infection, blood clots, while long-term complications include intestinal obstruction, stomach ulcers, hernias, kidney or gallstones.

After gastric bypass surgery, dumping syndrome may occur in some patients due to the rapid passage of food into the small intestine. This causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. It can usually be controlled with dietary changes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gastric Bypass Surgery

How much weight can I lose after a gastric bypass surgery?

Weight loss after a gastric bypass surgery is rapid. You can expect to lose 70-80% of your excess weight by the end of the first year. Most of our patients have lost much more weight by making permanent changes in their lifestyle.

Will I have pain after a gastric bypass surgery?

You may experience mild to moderate pain after a gastric bypass surgery.  This is usually relieved with simple painkillers. Since the abdominal cavity is inflated with a harmless gas during the operation, bloating, shoulder and neck pain may occur due to flatulence.

Is a gastric bypass surgery reversible?

It is technically possible to reverse the gastric bypass surgery. However, the surgery is risky and the revision surgery should be performed by a highly experienced and skilled surgeon.

How much does a gastric bypass surgery cost in Turkey?

The cost of gastric bypass surgery in Turkey varies depending on many factors such as hospital, location, surgeon’s experience, equipment used during the procedure. The prices generally vary between 3,500 euros and 5,000 euros.

How long do I need to stay for a gastric bypass surgery in Turkey?

For a gastric bypass surgery in Turkey, you will need to stay in hospital for 1 night before the surgery and 2 nights after the surgery. After your discharge, you will stay at the hotel for 1 night. On the 5th day you can return to your country.

Should I take lifelong vitamins after a gastric bypass surgery?

After your gastric bypass surgery, we will prescribe a 3-month multivitamin supplement for you to use. We will then ask you for some blood tests every 3 months. If you have a vitamin deficiency, vitamin supplements may be required.

When can I start exercising after a gastric bypass surgery?

You can walk at a moderate pace for the first 2 weeks after your gastric bypass surgery. After the first month, you can go to the gym. You should avoid abdominal exercises and heavy lifting for the first three months. Starting from the third month, you can start lifting light weights.

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